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Category: Suggestions & Feedback
Possible to "killfile" someone?

To borrow some USENET terminology, is it possible to "killfile" someone?

It would be useful if I could decide never to see any posts made by certain people.

If it is not possible at the moment, please consider it a feature request.

You've been here a day, and have 4 posts. Why do you need to
ignore anyone? :confused:

Anyway in your UserCP, there is an option to manage your 'buddy/
ignore' lists. Click on it, and put the name of the person you want
to ignore there.

Why not just skip over what they posted. Because sometimes, people will be replying to what that particular person said and it would through you off because you wouldn't know what they're talking about.
Man, you must really hate someone to want to never see another post by them again :P

Man, you must really hate someone to want to never see another post by them again :PYep... two of 'em.

Anyway in your UserCP, there is an option to manage your 'buddy/
ignore' lists. Click on it, and put the name of the person you want
to ignore there.

Thank you for the tip.

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